Favourite Recipes

Thursday, March 4, 2010

so excited!

Tomorrow I'm off to Ironmanville (Taupo) to watch Ironman NZ on Saturday.  I booked this trip like six weeks ago, which now seems like six months.  At 8am tomorrow I jump on a bus that will have me in Taupo (via half the north island) by 2pm.  6.45am and 7am Saturday will be awesome, but so will midnight when the last finishers cross the line.  I just can't wait!!!

My bag is packed - tri suit, goggles, swim cap, heart rate monitor, iPod run sleeve, trainers, running gear...and then there's normal clothes, warm clothes and hot weather clothes.  Yeah, I'm only in Ironmanville for like 48 hours but this is NZ and the weather here really is messed up.  It's about 19 degrees C in Auckland overnight at the moment, but is supposed to get down to 9 or 10 degrees C overnight in Taupo and I just don't do being cold.  By contrast, it will get to about 24 degrees C during the day, so I don't want to bake either!  I intend to do a bit of training while I'm there, hence why I've packed training gear.

In other news, I'm busy updating my iPod.  Six hours on a bus is going to require some good tunes, and thanks to Lance Armstrong, I have ZZ Top in my head.  To cut a long story short, I've just finished reading "Every Second Counts" again, and have had the "Pearl Necklace" song stuck in my head for three days now.  

Must go finish prep for my trip - see you in Taupo!

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