Favourite Recipes

Friday, December 24, 2010

Score, a direct hit

Yesterday and today I used my 2XU vouchers and shopped up a storm. I'm not opening the bags or cutting the tags until Xmas Day - the gear is my Xmas pressie to myself and I need something other than a cellophane wrapped candle and box of chocolates to open on Xmas day! I've worked out that I have somewhere in the region of nearly $2K of stuff and all I paid was my $200 in vouchers plus $40 of my own money. Bazinga! Let's hope most of it fits now, but if it doesn't it will soon.

This is my 2010 Xmas Tree:

I've survived my third week back on Weight Watchers but only just. Normally my willpower rocks and I can avoid chocolate but this week there's been chocolate all through the office every day and I've been a little down in the dumps (I may hate NZ but this is my first Xmas away from NZ and it's been a little weird). I've always been one to eat my feelings and I've had little resistance to Lindt this week. Ah well! I have been exercising and I know my shape has changed because I'm now in a size 14 pair of stretchy pants and wrap top. Sure, not everything in a 14 fits but hell, it's an improvement on the size 18 stretchy pants I was wearing earlier this year.

So far I've dropped 2.3kg in the first two weeks. I don't expect this week to be a big week (last week was 600g, after 1.7kg the first week) so anything resembling a downward shift is wicked. I refuse to say that I've lost weight because it implies I will find it again.  I WON'T!!! I don't want to spend another decade feeling like Mrs Blobby, and I refuse to do so. I will be fit and healthy and although I won't and don't want to be a size 10, I just want to get to 70kg and 20% bodyfat.  I need some fat and have a stack of muscle already, and besides, I don't want to look like a skeleton again.

I now have 10 days off before I go back to work so I plan to spend the time training, sleeping, studying, eating and napping. Plus watching some Foxtel while on the wind trainer, researching training plans and methods, and reading magazines.

Oh yeah - big news.  I'm doing IRONMAN 70.3 YEPPOON on August 14, 2011.  More on this later.

Bring it on!

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