Favourite Recipes

Thursday, January 3, 2013

From hell week to Happy New Year

Well, the gym has now been open about six weeks and what a wild ride it's been.

I've had a freakishly full-on six weeks and have finally been able to truly enjoy the public holidays over Christmas as days off. OMG, I totally forgot what days off were! I was at one point slamming about 80hrs a week, 16-18 hour days, etc. I racked up so many hours that I should have just moved into the gym. Ah well.

Now that things have settled for 12 hours or so, I've been able to sit down for five minutes and sort out the hell hole that was my house. Was my house are the operative words in this sentence. I've been able to clean and tidy and organise and declutter and all that jazz. I've caught up on all the TV I recorded during my 80hr weeks and I've even had time to cook from scratch. Heck, I even baked Christmas cakes a couple of weeks ago. They were freaking awesome.

I cleaned the windows on Christmad day, because I woke up early and am so used to cleaning like a demon every morning that it's become habit. That, and I was bored and couldn't sleep. I became all domesticated and hauled out the new sheets and doona covers and towels I bought earlier this year, before poverty! I rearranged the furniture and cleaned and tidied and pared down and decluttered like a woman possessed.

I bought myself one of those keep cup things to take my own espresso to work in (no more spending $25 a week on coffee, I have a holiday coming up and plenty of Tiffany to buy), started going home for lunch and am generally enjoying the fact that my commute to work is on foot and under five minutes.

On the subject of training and the shoulder, I can finally climb on the spin bike again. It is so good to be able to climb! I'm back doing triceps and I'm allowed on the rower at level 1 (and a raging time is had by all at level 1, oh yes indeed!). I'm seeing Ash the awesome next week so fingers crossed I get cleared to do some more stuff. I'm sick of the bingo wing quite frankly.

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