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Saturday, September 28, 2013

Practising Kindness - being nice to myself for a change

I've been implementing a few more changes recently. Some are because of my stress levels, some are because I feel gross and some are to help me keep my mind as peaceful as possible. But all of the changes have one thing in common, which is that they are all to do with my quest to de-clutter my mind, body, spirit, soul and environment. 

I'm exercising before work now and I go to yoga three times a week. I aim to do five mornings of cardio before work and this week I think I need to add two strength sessions on a Monday and Wednesday also. I don't want to do more than 75 mins each morning, so that I have enough time to shower, have breakfast and grab a coffee before I start work. 

The morning thing means that I get three evenings to myself so that I can study, I can bunk off at 5pm on Friday when the gym closes guilt-free, I don't have to deal with stressful situations in the evenings and I get the exercise out of the way so that I can come home earlier. Of course when daylight savings kicks in, I will go for a walk down the beach in the evening and when summer finally arrives, I can go for a swim after work too. Nice. 

I'm using organic vegan skincare, using less chemicals in the house for cleaning, having more chill time and getting more sleep. Last night I was in bed at 9.30pm - on a Friday night! I woke up at 6am today ready to attack the day with enthusiasm. Just as well, it's nearly daylight savings and I'll have to get up an hour earlier soon anyway. 

I'm eating more fruit, more natural products and less processed food. If something has more than four to five ingredients, I don't think I'm interested. I'm having home pamper sessions with foot spas, face masks and relaxing music. I'm drinking more water and green tea. I'm eating more vegetarian meals and less meat. I'm consuming less sugar, eating better in general and trying to nourish my body in order to undo all the years of constant food abuse it suffered. 

I still have the occasional treat, but the days of poisoning myself every meal, day in and day out are well and truly over. 

I've been making smoothies in the morning with Spinach, mint, fresh fruit and occasionally a bit of yogurt. I've been eating not burgers, veggie schnitzels, facon (that's fake bacon), making my own pumpkin soup and eating far more meat-free meals. 

Two weeks ago I made the mistake of having a bottle of soft drink on a Saturday night (i.e the night before yoga on Sunday morning). I've never sweated so much in a yoga class before. It was totally vile. I may as well just have been sweating sugary water out of my pores and onto the yoga mat. Gross!

One thing I truly appreciate about Australia is that we don't cook everything in Palm Oil. It's so gross! I hate to think what Malaysians' cholesterol levels are like and what their arteries resemble. It's vile to think of all the palm oil I would have consumed while away. Like, totally grossing me out dude. Oh yeah, we also don't add high fructose corn syrup to everything here either, which is great seeing as how I'm fructose intolerant and all!

Last night I steeped lemon slices and mint leaves in boiling water which I have been drinking in my green tea today. Another raging night at my house. LOL. 

I've ordered a Wellbeing journal from Kikki-K, which should arrive this week. I have some pretty awesome goals for my wellbeing, so this will be fun to use. 

Do you have goals for your wellbeing? Why not get in touch and tell me all about it?!

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