I've done something to my left heel. I don't really know what. I don't really know when. I don't even really know how. What I do know is that it bloody well hurts and it's annoying.
I went to the podiatrist, he told me to go to the physio. I went to the physio, he stuck dry needles in it and told me to avoid pretty much everything exercise-wise except yoga, spin bike with no climbing and stretching. I am banned from almost everything else and only allowed to do absolutely strictly necessary amounts of walking.
Far out.
If I behave myself, it could be right by Christmas. It may take longer, it may need more treatments and it may need tests. But I'm just trying to stay off it, do what the physio says and be kinder to it.
I had a really down day today. I wanted to just go to sleep, wake up and find it was back to normal.
But injuries don't work like that. I'm finding that they are the body's way of telling you to slow the hell down, take time to photograph those roses you usually walk past, chill out and just be there!
I have a few things I need to go and do this weekend, but beyond that, I'm staying off my feet. Or on them, in yoga class. The more down dogs, the better. Even chair is supposed to be good for it.
Better go and get to yoga. Seems it really is the cure-all activity!
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