Found an awesome quote online today - "It's not the life you lead, it's the courage you bring to it" ~ Sri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan. He's jolly well right. And speaking of inspiring people, Google Rudy Garcia-Tolson. He's my current inspiration.
I have a sore arm, a sore shoulder and a sore back. Like, can't move them sore!!! Mental note to self, going to for a run in the rain with your trainer is fine. Doing your weight training after said run is fine. But then playing badminton afterwards is a recipe for disaster of the one-handed typing kind. Not good! Owie!!!
I also have new speedo bathers (togs, swimmers, etc) coming courtesy of $22.45 spent on - Awesome. Should be here in about three weeks, which will be handy. My current ones are getting a little big and the other pair will probably be the same by then! Final thought for the day?