Favourite Recipes

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

No bike, no bike (sung to the tune of Noiseworks' "No Lies")

Yep, no bike. Went for a ride on Saturday on my ancient Avanti Breeze and the gear shifter jammed. So, it went to Avanti Manukau and it's basically DOA. It could be fixed - but by the time I've spent a few hundred on it, I may as well buy a secondhand decent road bike. Bugger. I am presently bikeless, and with my first tri under three weeks away, this ain't good. I can't do the whole brand new bike thing right now, but there's a girl at work selling a secondhand Avanti Sprint which I may have to check out.

Found an awesome quote online today - "It's not the life you lead, it's the courage you bring to it" ~ Sri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan. He's jolly well right. And speaking of inspiring people, Google Rudy Garcia-Tolson. He's my current inspiration.

I have a sore arm, a sore shoulder and a sore back. Like, can't move them sore!!! Mental note to self, going to for a run in the rain with your trainer is fine. Doing your weight training after said run is fine. But then playing badminton afterwards is a recipe for disaster of the one-handed typing kind. Not good! Owie!!!

I also have new speedo bathers (togs, swimmers, etc) coming courtesy of $22.45 spent on nzsale.co.nz - Awesome. Should be here in about three weeks, which will be handy. My current ones are getting a little big and the other pair will probably be the same by then! Final thought for the day?

"If God invented marathons to keep people from doing anything more stupid, triathlon must have taken Him completely by surprise." ~ P. Z. Pearce

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