Favourite Recipes

Saturday, December 12, 2009

One more sleep!

One more sleep!

I had one more session today with my swim coach. The swim session went well, I can do the 100m swim in under 3:30 in the pool (and that's with emergency backstroke). With freestyle it takes even less time but I'm expecting to be feeling a bit worn out a bit sooner in the open water. The plan is to freestyle it until I get a bit tired, backstroke it for a while, then finish freestyle. We'll see!

After the swim session it was off to event registration this arvo. As I was leaving the pool, I found out that my trainer is a real creeping Jesus. I got to my car and he was bloody well parked next to me. Call me paranoid, but perhaps he was spying on my session with the swim coach too?

I arrived at Mission Bay just on 2.30pm. I had a wander around the half setup transition areas, took lots of photos and checked out the course maps. I then went and registered - boy it was easy, find my name, then get my race number and swim cap. No event info in the pack - in fact, no event info anywhere apart from a list of rules on the back of a sign post. Meh, not impressed with that. Had to go back and ask if there were timing chips, was told no. Slightly concerned by this, but grabbed my nasty blue latex swim cap and buggered off home. Triathlete number 140 ready to go!

Bring on 7am tomorrow, I think I'm ready for you

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