Favourite Recipes

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A good hiding

Today my muscles got a good hiding. I had a new sports masseuse today as Kirsten is in Japan for a few weeks. Marcus is awesome - I can actually move my arms and shoulders again, and my calves and Achilles don't want to kill me. Great work. I'm being mobilised again after my event on Sunday by the good people from Bodyneed, and again on Thursday next week for an end of season session with the massage company who come into work each week.

I know I'm going to bruise after today, it was bloody painful. But, I needed it, and as Kirsten frequently says, I have to harden the hell up. I did it to myself, so there's no sympathy! LOL!

I'm looking forward to Sunday. I want to beat my time from the first time I did this course. I would actually like to blow it to hell, but as long as I am under that time I'll be stoked. It WILL happen. I think I can seriously kick some butt on the bike leg now, given that it's flat tomorrow and I now have cleats and shoes (equals more power and speed). I'd like to average at least 25kph (would mean about a 16min bike including mount/dismount time) but we'll see - hopefully the wind we had this week dies down and everything goes my way.

I'm thinking about:
Swim: 2 mins 30 or less (did the last one in 2:17 so all good)
T1: 3 mins max
BIke: 15-20 mins
T2: 2 mins max
Run: 20 mins or less

Total: 47 mins. 50 mins is my goal, anything less is a total bonus.

Off to go visualise the course and the race itself :-)

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