Favourite Recipes

Thursday, April 22, 2010

the neck sprain

Well, it is now technically day five of my neck sprain. Actually, its day four of pain and spasm, as I could not feel much on Sunday – I had too much adrenaline kicking around I think. I had another session of pain and suffering at physio tonight and yet more fun with the suction cup tens machine thingy. Warsha put it on warp speed, about mach 5 I think, and I felt good afterwards. She also cracked some of my back, but the rest just would not cooperate. My traps are like concrete (I call them lead).

The good news from physio is that I can do weights again, hooray! I can go hit the gym on Saturday morning and do light weights – lat pulldown, seated row, chest press, shoulder press, bicep curls…but all on about half the weight that I would normally do. The idea is to mobilise my muscles and do as many reps as I can but without the extra stress of heavy weights. I will try anything once.

My bike went off to the bike shop today for a service and check up after the crash. It may be an expensive one…especially once I have bought a new helmet and new bottle cages. I hope that the bike will not need major surgery, but after the noises the chain made during post-crash testing, I need to cross my fingers for a favourable result. It needs an end of season service regardless; I am just hoping it does not need major work because of that stupid crash. It is only about 10 weeks until I leave for Melbourne and I am watching the expenditure very closely!

I also had the pleasure of going to the lawyer today to sign a new will, and having to order a new pair of glasses to replace the ones I lost in Wellington last November. Nice boring personal admin tasks make a change from packing race bags, mixing electrolytes and ticking race checklists.

More later, neck is over typing for today.

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