I'm going to change this blog around a little and post a bit more about my actual training now. I think it'll be particularly useful for me when I look back. And it's all about me anyway! So, key variables will be rated on a score out of 7, where 1 is awesome, and 7 is crap.
My training week so far:
Monday - Swim, 1600m. Sleep 1/7, fatigue 2/7, stress 3/7, soreness 2/7, gallstone 1/7
Tuesday - Bike, 70 mins intervals. Sleep 2, fatigue 2, stress 3, soreness 2, gallstone 1
Wednesday - Swim, 1700m. Sleep 2, fatigue 2, stress 6, soreness 2. gallstone 2
Thursday - Run and ride (MT). Sleep 4, fatigue 3, stress 4, soreness 5, gallstone 3
My left Tib Ant is playing up and I'm not happy. It started in the pool yesterday, on the lateral side of my leg just past my tibial screws. It kept going all through work last night and was still bitching at me when I got into bed. This morning it's a bit 50/50. I have a run and ride to do today, and this is really annoying me.
I'm hoping it's just nerves buzzing back after that lateral release with my knee recon in 2005 - sometimes I get beesting-like pains for days when a new area comes back online. With that recon, I had a lateral release, patella-femoral realignment, tibial tubercle transfer and some scraping of crap out from behind my left kneecap. The surgeon warned me that I may not get all the lateral sensation back in my knee, and that some parts may come back online years later. I still don't have full sensation and I doubt I ever will, but I have had three or four areas come back online. Hopefully this TA pain is one of them.
Also in the pool yesterday, my left elbow decided to play silly buggers as well. The first 500m wasn't pretty, but then it settled down. I was wondering how it would cope with a volume increase, but up until yesterday it's been fine. Yesterday was 1700m in the pool, and the only thing that bugs me is the lateral side of my right hand which gets sore when I swim. It's been doing it for years, and I'm pretty sure it's related to years and years of typing and writing and computer work. It settles with rest and only does it when I swim, so there's probably some random biomechanical basis for it - I just haven't figured it out yet.
On a happier note, I passed another two assessments and will be handing in number six shortly. I'd like to get seven and eight done today as well, but we'll see how I go for time. If my Tib Ant has stopped playing silly buggers, I'll run around lunchtime, then come back for some nutrition and study. I'll do my ride this evening - it's a MT session which is great because it has been raining and I don't do riding in the rain unless it's in a race. I should sleep well after it, which would be nice because I've got a 6am start tomorrow morning.
On the subject of riding, my bike has to have the interrupter brake levers removed and the brakes re-cabled because they are not race legal in Aussie. What a pain in the ass - so tomorrow it's off to see Luke the bike mechanic to get this sorted out. I can drop it off after work around 10am tomorrow and pick it up on Saturday either before or after work. Then I can ride Sunday morning without nice handy brakes and totally pack it when I have to stop - awesome! At least she'll be race legal on Monday, but I love my interrupters. I also have to get some self-stick patches for tyre-related emergencies (we don't use the "P" word around here, okay?).
In other news, entries for IMNZ 2012 open on Tuesday at 8am Aussie time. I'll be in like flynn for that one, it's going to sting to the tune of about a week and half's wages but I don't care. It has to be done, and the sooner I get my C4 finished, the sooner I can start earning some real money again (just to pay for my triathlon habit, it's not like I need fancy handbags and frocks now is it?).
So, my Tib Ant seems to have settled and I'm thinking that it might be time for some study and that run. If it flares again, I'll stop. But it needs to shut the hell up and let me train, because my race is on Monday!
Better go get these assignments in.
Have fun y'all.