Favourite Recipes

Monday, March 28, 2011

Talking on the big white telephone

I've spent over half of this weekend as sick as dog. Saturday after work my boss and I went to the fish shop near her house and I bought some Aussie snapper. It wasn't from my usual fish shop and I was a bit suspicious but bought it anyway because I desperately wanted my weekly fish supper and didn't want to wait another six days to get my NZ snapper from my reliable guy at Queen Vic Market.  

BIG mistake - I kept waking up overnight Saturday with the room spinning violently and then filling a bucket next to my bed...'nuff said there. I was cold, tired, weak, spewy and wanted to die. I had to sleep sitting bolt upright in bed, because if I lay down the room started to spin violently again. I tried taking on some water but it came back. By the time the alarm went off yesterday, I had stomach cramps, dehydration, a headache and wanted to die - but I hadn't spewed for a while!

I managed to get some tablets down to fix everything by about 6.30am yesterday, then some electrolytes, then went back to bed. I got a ride to work which was great, and spent the day not moving a lot. I managed to keep down a plain yogurt and a piece of toast, then moved on to more water and finally a weak single shot latte with plenty of milk in it, then another plain yogurt.  I still felt like death when I got home around 4pm so I went back to bed with a bottle of gatorade. I woke up in time for The Biggest Loser, had a cup of chicken noodle soup and another plain piece of toast, and went to bed early.

I woke up this morning still feeling yuck. I'm pretty weak and still have stomach cramps, but feel better than yesterday. The sorry part is that I missed my big ride yesterday and will miss my swim session today. I just can't do it, I have no energy and having had a chat to my coach, we should treat these as rest days and do low intensity stuff tomorrow as tolerated - hopefully I can do my long bike then, which is two hours at a steady pace without intervals and suchlike!

Oh yeah, and to top off the misery, the plumbers are back, uninvited, to muck around with installing bits for new individual water meters. So the house has been ringing with the sounds of power tools and hammers for two hours, and I have no water. Awesome.

As you can see, I don't do being sick. I hate it. It hates me.

On the plus side, after weighing myself yesterday morning at work, I'm down another 300g. So, I've now lost 11.2kg, with just 12.3kg to go. In 550g I'll be halfway to goal, yay! I'm getting excited and smaller - in fact, it must be nearly time to pull out the bag of size 14 clothes and try some stuff on. SO exciting!

Okay - time to get back to handing in that second-to-last theory assignment. I've got some Excel templating to do, so have fun and I'll catch you all later.

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