Favourite Recipes

Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Life of Riley

I'm in love with my new life, which includes triathlon and exercise and training and a great job and living what the life of Riley near a really nice beach. It's all sunshine and lemon drops around here. Well, mostly.

Okay, so my income has dropped by 66% (meh) and I can't always just jump on a bus/train/tram and go to some random location for the hell of it whenever I want like I used to on weekends, but that's not what is important now. Actually, I could - I just have to take my bike with me (but only on trains) and ride home. I've obtained a library book with some good looking rides in it, so I'll have to start investigating them on Tuesdays.

I'm currently working about 24 hours a week, on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. This leaves Tuesday and Thursday as my weekend, although I have most of Monday, Wednesday and Friday to do things to - i.e. training sessions! Saturday is a bit of a write-off as I start work at 12, but for the next couple of weeks it's 8am while I fill in for our food coach. Sunday is a weird one because I work 9-2. I have to leave home at 7.30am and don't get back home until about 4pm, which kills off most of the day. It's the end of daylight savings this weekend and I won't be able to ride after work on a Sunday anymore.

I think I need to ask my coach to move my long ride to Tuesday or Thursday, leaving Sunday as a day for something else. Things will also have to be re-jigged when I start full-time PT, as clients may want mornings as well as nights. I'm hoping some will want Sundays, as a few members have asked about Sunday PT recently. I need to make sure I can train clients, earn more money so I can pay for all my Ironman gear and get all my training in. 

I can do split days at work, so PT early morning, nap, train, maybe nap again, PT in the evening and then go home. I think I'll still try and have two weekdays off, and I don't want too many early mornings but if that's the way it goes, then that's the way it goes. I can swim anytime, but prefer late morning or early afternoon because the pool is quieter then. I suspect late evening may be okay too, I just haven't had a chance to check that theory out! Being an afternoon/night person, mornings really don't work too well for me. I need to make sure I can get enough sleep and refuel adequately.

Other than this, I'm down to my last two theory assignments for my PT cert and have booked my prac. Monday morning is for Study. I will be spending Tuesday this week riding, washing, studying and running, then studying again. Wednesday morning will be more study then swimming then work. Thursday will be run, study, ride, study. Friday will be work and more swimming and running and napping and then some study. Saturday work and study and run, Sunday work and ride and study.

At least I have a plan. Let's see how the execution goes - I'm off to cook some Aussie snapper for tea.

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