Favourite Recipes

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Ask and you shall receive

I've been a bit stressed lately with too much going on. This past week saw very little in the training department - to the point where I am starting again this week with the recovery week scheduled for last week. I had to knock out my PT prac exam, book flights to NZ to meet up with my brother and sister in law at the end of June, kiss going to Port Mac for Ironman goodbye, and had two very early starts at work. Phew!

Because my stress level has been sky high for the past two weeks, I believe Hannibal the gallstone has been influenced by this and has been particularly annoying in the past week - attacking me with gusto. This coming week will see me doing some yoga classes and more training to try and combat all this cortisol that's pumping around my body.

I don't like it, I don't need it and like Hannibal, it can just get lost!

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