Favourite Recipes

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The long and short of it

Today was d-day. Well, it was meant to be d-day. I rocked up at Uni expecting to get my PT prac exam all finished today, but instead only half was finished today. I get to go through more torture tomorrow. Oh joy! 

Well, tomorrow isn't really torture. It's presenting the program I still have to write for my client, and demonstrating / PT-ing four exercises. I think this should be the least nerve wracking part! Anyway, at 10am tomorrow I'm finishing my Cert IV. The great news is that I've passed the final 28-page theory assessment so no repeating required there. Phew! Hopefully by this time tomorrow I will have completed my Cert IV, done my big swim, had some lunch and have two hours of work underway.

Thursday I'm working from 6-2. Yes, Thursday is normally one of my two days off, however between Easter (lose two days of work) and my trip to Sydney (lose another two days of work), I need to make up some hours and bank some money. I've also got a staff meeting at 4pm, then I get to come home in rush hour and do a MT bike session - providing I can stay awake. Friday I get to start at 6am again, so I guess I'll be tired for a couple of days! I think a couple of naps will be in order - and I may thrown in a couple of spin bike sessions just in case.

Today I did my walk/run session - on the way to and from the laundrette, with 6kg of washing in tow. I stopped in at Coles on the way home for a 3L bottle of milk and a bag of spuds (2kg), so I guess by the time I got home the load was about 11kg. I can't believe that having lost 11.4kg, I used to lug around that washing, sack of spuds and bottle of milk everywhere I went, everyday. Unbelievable! No wonder I was tired and grumpy - okay, yes, I am still tired and grumpy - but it's no longer from a lack of energy and fatness and laziness. Now it's from up to 14 hours of Ironman training a week, which I feel is a far more worthwhile cause!

I'm off to write this program and the justification for it so that I don't lose the plot tomorrow, so have a nice evening everyone :-)

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