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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Easter, gains and losses

I finally had a gain last week. 300g! I know where it came from too, so here's the whole sordid story:

After a week of not wanting to swim because my shoulder was incredibly sore and my knee all festy and gross from my treadmill tumble at work, I tried to swim last week. Epic FAIL. My shoulder was complaining the whole time, and after a plunge, spa and hot shower it was almost locked up. I rang my coach in tears - Yeppoon is less than four months away and I was totally freaking out.

Coach told me to hang up, ring the club-affiliated physio, get an appointment and we'd go from there. I went in the next day and saw Jacqui, who banned me from swimming for at least two weeks, and told me I'd probably need 4-6 weeks of physio - and that she suspected I had a SLAP tear (basically a cartillage tear in the shoulder joint, of the cartillage that cushions the ball and socket joint. If physio doesn't sort it, I have to go see a surgeon and get a scan!  Crikey!

I'm also banned from demonstrating press ups, lifting my arm overhead with weight, shrugs with weight, flyes, dips, pull ups, shoulder presses and anything else involving overhead movements or lifts from the shoulder with weight. Basically, if I have to demonstrate anything, it is to be one-armed or with no weight. Oh joy...!

My trigger points are all grumpy and my traps are really peeved. I've had headaches after treatment because of the referred pain and spasm messing with my traps insertion so my skull is also cranky. My neck is all cracky, and my traps won't budge. I've been icing my shoulder, heat packing my neck and traps, doing my theraband rotator cuff exercises and generally feeling sorry for myself and worrying about Yeppoon.

The weight gain came from eating like an athlete, but forgetting I wasn't training like one. I also had a dark Lindt bunny which sent me on a sugar high and then a severe sugar crash. Cleaning the house with one arm really wore me out and I ended up with a six-hour nap. Oops. I've been craving carbs for the past week, and now it seems I'm craving protein. I got on the scales on Sunday and BAM! There it was - a 300g gain!

I do have to say though, it's taken 5 months to experience a gain. I just ate too much and did too little exercise. It's not rocket science, I don't need to go back through my nutrition diary - mostly because I didn't fill it out after about Tuesday of last week - I just need to track all my nutrition, do more exercise and do less Easter eggs!

I get in this funk everytime I get injured. I start feeling sorry for myself, lose the plot slightly and eat a bit more. Of course, I'm not exercising as much so it sits still. Frankly I'm impressed it was only 300g, although in real terms it was probably more like 600g as I should have lost about 300g instead. Ah well...I know what to do to fix it and I just have to get out and do it!

With my not being able to swim, it's all about biking and running now. Last night my train was severely late on the way home and I was cold and tired so I decided to run home from the station, because I can. This morning I'm off to the laundromat so it's time for my laundry run - half my run on the way there, half my run on the way back, while pulling a market trolley weighing about 12kg with my good arm. I can be found most Tuesdays doing the laundry run when it's not persisting down with rain.

I've also worked the last seven days straight and today is my first day off. I'm going to run and mag train today, and do today's program on Thursday. I have to get the washing done and there's a few errands to take care of. Thursday I'm going to ride over to physio, and then ride home the long way. I've got a staff meeting at 4pm and a PT client at 6.30pm so in between I will get on the spin bike. I should be home by 8pm so will do some more mag trainer then. 

The schedule is a bit screwy right now as I'm trying to pick up extra shifts wherever possible. Two trainers are leaving at the end of this month and a third is going on holiday for 12 weeks, so I'll be busy from the end of this month with PT. That will be good - lots of experience and lots of clients plus a decent wage again...yay!

Anyway, gotta bail and go do the washing.

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