Most of you know about the concept of a 100 Things List, thanks in part to my good fortune to be at FILEX (the annual fitness industry convention in Australia) this year when Sebastian Terry was doing the closing inspirational presentation. Seb talked about why he started the 100 things project and the crazy things on his list, as well as his goal of raising $100,000 for Camp Quality in the process.
As a result of this, I made a 100 things list of my own. You can view it here. I've managed to check off a few items, with many still to go. I decided I needed a hard copy list as well, so yesterday I bought a "100" notebook from Kikki-K. I managed to write down 89 things last night before my shoulder packed up and refused to allow any more writing. 11 more to go!
I love digital stuff, particularly being able to buy songs and albums and books without the physical clutter of the case or the book itself. It keeps down the clutter and "stuff" which I feel holds me back and chokes me. More physical stuff means more stress when it gets overwhelming or untidy. No thanks!
Much as I love my digital books and music and movies and etc, I love to physically write stuff down. I have a myriad of journals for my ongoing coaching and personal development studies. I like being able to pick up a journal and flick through it, thereby giving me the ability to instantly remember stuff I thought I'd forgotten. I also have the Goals, Gratitude, Happiness and Wellbeing journals from Kikki-K in which to record the past, present and future me!
With my 100 things list, there's been a couple of edits. A couple of things are no longer relevant or physically possible (I'll never do 50 decline push ups at 75 degrees, for example, nor do I want to try) so they've been replaced with new goals. I want to see more, do more, experience more, learn more and enjoy more. Turns out I do want to go to Bali after all, just nowhere near Kuta. Phuket can stay where it is for now. I just want to go to places that won't disturb my mind!
I'm a firm believer in constantly re-evaluating your life, your goals, your plans, your motivations, your thoughts, your actions and your intentions. If something no longer serves you in your quest to be the best you that you can be, drop it and move on. If something is holding you back, cut the ties and walk on. Walk away from what you don't need in your life and walk towards what you do need.
Life is too short to waste being stressed, miserable, bored, tired, angry, depressed or mean. Don't like your situation? Change it! No one else can do it for you.
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