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Thursday, October 10, 2013

Unresourceful Drama and the Law of Attraction

This past week has been one of the most challenging since returning from Malaysia. There have been some pretty darn challenging times over the past 8 weeks - mega stress, death threats, abusive people, way too much drama and unnecessary amounts of other people's self-cherishing impacting my life - but this past week saw a particularly unpleasant situation that has been almost a mainstay of daily life for the past three months, finally require resolution.

I'm not going into details as it's done with now, but let's just say that the other person involved really does need to take a good, hard look at their actions, speech, thoughts and life - and then make some fast and positive changes. They simply will never be happy if they do not change. I hope they get over themselves and take action to find some inner peace and strength to stop behaving in an unresourceful way.

I regret nothing - life is too short. I have forgiven myself for my part in the situation and I have forgiven them for their part in it also. I have no issue with getting over myself, or taking action when I need to because I'm heading down the wrong path at the fork in the road. Life is not about regretting the things you've done, the decisions you've made or the actions you've taken along the path. Life is about pulling your little socks up and getting on with living.

But - always, always, always trust your intuition - if it tells you something or someone isn't quite right for you, please listen to it and act accordingly. That's called trusting and backing yourself. Never be afraid to ask for help. Never think you have to cope on your own and never question your intuition. 

As some clever person once said, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result. I've learned lessons from this situation, so it is time they did too. They need to move on with their life and I wish them happiness, kindness and a happy life moving forward.

On the subject of onward and upward, I submitted both my NLP Practitioner Assessment Workbook and my Basic Law of Attraction Practitioner exam and essay this past week for final consideration and grading. Yesterday morning I received the awesome news that I have passed the Basic Law of Attraction Practitioner course and am now a fully-fledge Basic Law of Attraction Practitioner! Woohoo!  I hope to have confirmation of passing the NLP Practitioner course early next week.

Amazing things happen when you disconnect the idiot's lantern (aka the TV) and focus on reading, learning and personal growth and development. I challenge you to spend one less night each week watching TV and instead, pick up a book, find an online course, learn something new - just do something other than being a brainwashed turnip on a sofa! TV is like evil pond scum - it lurks under the surface, ready to suck you in and mess with your mind. Less than ideal conditions for inner peace and outer strength, don't you think?

I've found a fantastic site called Daily OM where you can purchase a variety of awesome courses on all kinds of topics at very affordable prices. There's Ayurveda, Feng Shui, 21 day life detoxes, meditation, Buddhism and lots more. I've enrolled in a few to keep my mind busy on the nights when I don't have yoga and so that I can keep on learning new skills!

I believe in lifelong learning, CAN-I (constant and never-ending improvement), developing my mind, embracing my spirit and improving my body. If you do too, please do something small right now to get off your butt and on the road to a better life, filled with goals and dreams and purring kittens and fluffy bunnies. Or whatever.


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