Personal Trainer, Zumba Instructor and Triathlete with a recently fixed shoulder. Former Fatty. Diabetic with PCOS and Fructose Malabsorption + Anaphylaxis and Asthma. Join me on the journey to my first Ironman Triathlon, recovery from shoulder surgery, world domination, fitness professionalism, globetrotting and everything else!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
2009: so long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, get lost!!!
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Filex, Swimming and Strawberries
Friday, December 25, 2009
H is for Humbug!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Cars are evil
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
India calling...
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming
Friday, December 18, 2009
The debrief
Huge encouragement from an awesome bunch of friends and family, so HUGE thanks to my cheer squad: Kylie, Serah, Kate, Allannah, Elizabeth, Jenna, Julia, Antony, Stuart, Sean, Tash, Leilani, Helen, my cousin Daniela, Emma, Kevin, Sonya, Ariel, Stavros, Jess, Nick, Christina, Bella, my sister in law Alison, my Dad Clem, my flatmates, Rodney and Denise from my gym, Dan and Ashleigh from Uni, and anyone else I've forgotten - you guys rock!
What can I attribute to Planning?
Thanks to me for having all my gear packed and ready to roll the night before the event, carefully planned training sessions, a good volume of training, swimming coaching, making sure I had water, Mizone and a banana on race day; putting my bike in the car the night before, reading everything i could get my hands on about triathlons and transition, having the foresight to buy a tri suit months before entering anything, researching and checking out bikes, getting spare tubes and patch kits and tyre levers, getting proper running shoes, getting up at 4am to eat breakfast, getting to the event early, having a spare bottle of water to wash sand off my feet!
What can I attribute to Effort?
Doing the event, finishing the event, doing the training...duh!!!
What can I attribute to Luck?
The only things I can think of right now are bad luck re the toe cut and blister thing, and nearly missing the start of the swim! Oh - and on the subject of good luck - actually having a good night's sleep the night before the event was very cool, but a total fluke!
So, what would I do differently?
Make sure I'm in the water before the swim starts. Patch toe cuts before putting on my shoes. Make sure my helmet comes off before the run and my run cap goes on. Get a massage afterwards. Get used to ocean swimming before the event (i.e. do ocean clinics). Get a wetsuit. Train more.
That's about it I think. Overall, not too bad for a first effort. I'm happy, and that's all that matters.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
It's showtime, synergy!
Right - this is it people. It's race day! Woohoo!!!
Newbie no more
I Loved the experience, I was bloody stoked to finish with a huge smile (mission accomplished), had fun and will soooo do more! And I was last in my age group, ha ha ha!!! I wasn't last overall in my distance though, so that was awesome.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Client Screenings
One more sleep!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Cats don't like tiger balm
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Taper weeks and laziness
Saturday, December 5, 2009
New Bike!!!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
The incredible shrinking woman
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
30km bike and apple cider
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
No bike, no bike (sung to the tune of Noiseworks' "No Lies")
Found an awesome quote online today - "It's not the life you lead, it's the courage you bring to it" ~ Sri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan. He's jolly well right. And speaking of inspiring people, Google Rudy Garcia-Tolson. He's my current inspiration.
I have a sore arm, a sore shoulder and a sore back. Like, can't move them sore!!! Mental note to self, going to for a run in the rain with your trainer is fine. Doing your weight training after said run is fine. But then playing badminton afterwards is a recipe for disaster of the one-handed typing kind. Not good! Owie!!!
I also have new speedo bathers (togs, swimmers, etc) coming courtesy of $22.45 spent on - Awesome. Should be here in about three weeks, which will be handy. My current ones are getting a little big and the other pair will probably be the same by then! Final thought for the day?
Saturday, November 21, 2009
New Shoes!!!
I had the most awesome PT session last night. This guy really knows his stuff, and with my first event slightly over three weeks away we’re ramping up before the pre-race taper.
After having yet more “squats with dumbbells and shoulder press” exercises loaded on me, pushing 150 pounds on the leg press and then doing a 10km time trial on the bike, my legs actually feel great today. I must be getting stronger and have my recovery routine sorted out again. However, I think it’s going to be another week before my body gets back to normal with the nutrition after the
Last night was also fantastic because I now have proper running shoes and did last night’s gym session in them. I am now running in Asics, thanks to the wonderful Tatiana and Rachel at Shoe Clinic. I have loads of Asics running gear already, but now I have the shoes to match. So, I guess this means my last excuse to avoid running is out the door, darn it.
Tatiana gave me some running tips, basically centred on the fact that with my knees and kneecaps structured the way they are, I run like a penguin version of Forest Gump. Rachel is a podiatrist and gave me some more running tips, but basically I’m not going to hurt myself running the way I do now. I just need to make some small tweaks to my “style” and keep up my leg work in the gym and on the bike. More bike, more weights, more squats.
I found my favourite brand of gels is about 25% cheaper at Shoe Clinic than the health stores. Triathlon is a bloody expensive sport, so this was cool. Shoes, gels and a bottle of Shoe Clinic water for well under $300? Legend.
The PT will be taking me out running on Sunday morning, which is great because I need someone who won’t put up with my bitching and moaning, and he is an Olympic medallist in some running area. I’m also going to have to start running on my own which scares me a bit. I live in one of the least illustrious parts of
No excuses!!!
A can of whoop-ass
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Owie ouchy ow!
Squats, lunges and other torture...
I went to uni tonight to meet with my skills coach. We went through my own programme and had a chat about it. He liked the simplicity, the fact that every exercise prescribed relates to my goals and specific training areas, and the way it was written. Well done Mr PT!
My skills coach did question one of the squats exercises (with dumbbells, squat into standing bicep curl into standing shoulder press) as apparently it’s quite advanced and tricky, but when I explained that I can do them and do them well, and that the only problem I have with the exercise is a mental one, he got the picture.
Basically, I’ve spent seven years telling myself I can’t do squats or lunges. For one year out of that seven, I had surgeons and physiotherapists telling me not to do them. So, after seven years of reinforcement, my brain says no when my body says yes. It’s just a matter of conditioning my nervous system and it will take a bit of time. Maybe a format and rebuild of my hard drive would help?
Bring on training tomorrow, I know I will be thrashed but I need it
Triathlon entered!
Monday, November 16, 2009
There's no place like home
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Wellywood is freezing!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
33 metre pools and other gyms are indeed different
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Swimming lessons are going well - I love Swimsation swim school :-) I first learnt to swim with Hilton Brown (yes, THE Hilton Brown) back in primary school and from memory I got pretty good at it, but then got to teenagerhood and all of a sudden swimming wasn't cool. I should have kept at it - I wasn't cool either - so swimming and I could have been good outcast nerdy friends. Ah well!
I'm off to Wellington next week and have discovered Freyberg Pool at Oriental Bay, hopping distance from the accommodation. The gym situation looks a little grim, but there will be plenty of walking done so I think I can probably take four days off the weights and bike with the usual big improvements showing next week.
Time to pack my bags and head for bed - have a great day tomorrow everyone!