2010 - The Good:
- Moving to Melbourne
- Becoming a qualified exercise consultant / fitness instructor
- Finding a great house near the beach in Melbourne
- Travellling to Malaysia for a week
- Completing six triathlons in four months
- Buying a bike pod (travel box on wheels)
- Buying a MacBook Pro, iPhone and my first LCD TV
- Dad coming to visit
- Watching Ironman NZ and my friend Sean race
- Running (most of) my first 10km
- My first day of 41.9 degrees.
- Finding out I've already had GF. At least I can't have that again.
- The gym opening up around the corner from my house
- My triathlon club
- The swim school around the corner from my house
- The doctor and vet around the corner from my house
2010 - The Bad:
- Race 1 of Season 2010/2011 being cancelled due to crap weather
- Not being able to do Race 2 due to stupid virus
- Bronchitis. Gross.
- Paying a small fortune in rent for my great house near the beach in Melbourne
- Losing my keys on the last day of the year, breaking a window and then getting the keys back.
- My camera dying in Malaysia, on the first day
- AQIS and Customs opening some of my boxes of stuff sent over from NZ because they can't read (at $55 per box, for no bloody good reason)
2010 - The Downright Ugly
- The bike smash in Tri #7, which wrecked my chance of a PR. Karma is a boomerang, competitor 510. Watch out, it's coming for you.
- The truck taking me out in January.
- Triwoman #3 at Maraetai with that ridiculous "Swim".
- Earthquakes - Chile, Haiti, Christchurch
- Flooding in Victoria, NSW and more recently Queensland.
- Living in a hostel for five weeks, unable to cook and with no privacy!
- The amount of fat I accrued thanks to living in a hostel for five weeks, unable to cook
- Having to live on crap food for five weeks while living in the hostel
- The gallstone, and the discovery of the gallstone
- The virus in November/December, the resulting blood tests and being told I might have GF, then finding out I am/was pre-pre-diabetic
On the whole, 2010 was better than 2009. And, 2011 will be better still. I have a lot to look forward to!
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