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Sunday, January 30, 2011

White tails and sun rays

I fell asleep on the couch earlier, and woke to find a white tail spider centimetres from my head. Mother! Instead of screaming like a girl, I decided to flick it towards the front door. Possibly not such a great move, given that all my shoes are next to the front door, plus my bag, and my old lady shopping trolley. FAIL. 

We were meant to get to 41 degrees today but the hottest it got at home was 38.4. I was rather disappointed, but I did manage to get the washing dry in only 30 minutes. I still have two or three loads to do, but they will have to wait until Wednesday or Thursday. I'm out of bug deterrent spray, flea stuff for the cat, icy poles and probiotics - so I guess I'm hitting the supermarket, vet and chemist tomorrow morning, all before 9am. This house stuff never ends...I clearly need a housekeeper or house husband, because the cat certainly doesn't earn her keep.

I've received my first weekly training program from my coach. After a few phone calls of negotiations and re-negotiations, I think it's now do-able. There was a slight fail with a 90 min bike ride (haven't done a bike that long in a very, very long time) and a few 1.8km swim sessions (pretty sure I can't swim that far yet and if I could, I don't think I'd be needing coaching), but now that those and the hike to the coaching office for a WT session have been removed from the schedule, I am looking forward to starting tomorrow with a shorter swim of around 1km.

I'm planning on hitting the Fitzroy pool before work tomorrow. It's outdoors, 50m long and will make short work of the 1km session scheduled by the coach. Apparently they have live DJs there on weekends at the moment, but I think I can do without hot beats to go with my cool water. I sure as heck won't have that on race day, so why start now? Saturday will see me partaking in an open water session, christening my new wetsuit at 7am. Two trains and a bit of a walk later, I'll be there in time.

I have a nine-hour shift tomorrow, with four hours of training, four hours with clients and an hour of cleaning and hopefully a break in there somewhere. I've got seven back to back appointments booked, two with clients I trained yesterday and one with a new client that I met yesterday. If they all show up, time will fly like an F-16. If not, I can cover breaks and get some more e-learning knocked off. 

Tuesday will be another nine hours, all training again. Wednesday I'm back to five hours, Thursday I have a day off, Friday it's four hours from 6am, Saturday it's four hours in the afternoon and Sunday five hours from 9am. This, combined with no day off tri training at all, means it will be a bloody long week. By the time Thursday turns up, I will be looking forward to a day off, even if it's just from work.  

Friday appears to be basically a day off from tri training, with a 40 min brisk walk scheduled. I think I'll walk from work to the markets, which will take care of the walk and the need for meat, fish, fruit, veg and the like. Eating clean needs to be a priority, and I'm sure I can find some nice fresh snapper there which won't cost $8 for a tiny fillet.

I've got five months to come up with the rest of the money for my accommodation at Yeppoon and about the same period to scrape for a new triathlon bike. It can be done - I'm going to avoid the supermarket unless I desperately need something (e.g. cat food, because there's nothing else on earth like a feral Siamese at 4am with an empty bowl and a bad attitude). I'll still need to hit it for yogurt, milk, and the like, but other than that, I'm staying out. It's too easy to spend money there. I'll ebay some stuff and get some cards made to sell too.

I will also need a bike fit, race service and probably smaller everything, because I'm now down 6.1kg in seven weeks. In the past two weeks I've hit the 5kg and 5% targets, and I'm not far off the 10% target. I'm over 25% of the way to goal, which is awesome! I have 70kg in my head as my goal weight, and that's what I want to be. If I get to 75kg and I'm not skeletal, that could be okay too. 

Basically, 18-20% body fat is more of a goal for me than some stupid number on a stupid set of scales. I don't want to look like a twig, I want to be lean and healthy with no jiggly wiggly bits and a healthy body fat percentage - with plenty of muscle. If I eat well, do all my training and stick to my points, I could hit the 2.3kg required to hit that 10% in four or five weeks, maybe earlier.  I'm averaging about 700g per week - remember, that's an average - so it could be four weeks. We'll see what happens. I'm seriously not going to lose it if I don't do it in four weeks. It will happen when it happens. 

I am almost expecting a gain next week because this past week was hell on two legs. No training, no eating pattern, no time, no organisation and no preparation - I set myself up for a bit of an epic FAIL. This week, however, it's all different. My replacement microwave arrives tomorrow morning around 8.30am (thank god, it's been terrible without one). I have bircher muesli in the fridge which will be ready for breaky tomorrow morning, my swim bag is 80% packed and my work uniform washed and dried. I just need to figure out what to eat for lunch and dinner tomorrow.

Time for bed - I have a few things to do tomorrow before work and need some shut eye.

Night all :-)

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