Favourite Recipes

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work I go...

I'm really excited about going to work today. Why? It's my first shift as a proper exercise professional. My last day at the day job was yesterday, and as of today, it's all about fitness! I've got new members booked in for inductions, and hopefully a few will become my PT clients soon. Speaking of which, I can now knuckle down and kick out my Cert IV, because I have more free time during normal people hours. Gold!

Last night I went out for dinner with a couple of friends. It was a lovely night - great food, great company and a great time. I got home about 11.30pm and after catching up on the Home & Away action for the evening, I crawled into bed tired, happy and very well fed. I can highly recommend the Steakout (sp?) at Crown for a nice casual Friday after work meal - I was even a bit naughty and had a very small frozen daiquiri (but it was green and called Kiwi Kiss, so as an "Aussie by choice", it was my duty to celebrate Australia Day a little belatedly).  

I had designs on hitting swim coaching today but when the cat woke me at 6.10am I couldn't go back to sleep and felt a little like I'd overdone the food last night - plus my bruises still hurt and the more I move my arms, the worse they get. Okay, I did probably overstuff myself at dinner last night, but I was starving and it was the first decent meal I'd had in nearly three weeks. The walk around afterwards to find a place for coffee was great, and the sheer amount of laughing definitely got the abs working.

At some point this weekend I need to do the washing, tidy the lounge, do some filing, pay some bills, re-organise my drawers and closets, and a few other yawn-inducing tasks. I have to get some study done and some light training in. I also need to chill and watch some movies, cook dinner, read magazines and catch up with a few people over the coming weeks. Just when you thought you'd have more free time because you're working fewer hours, the slots quickly fill up.  It's all good - I'm a very organised person by nature and now I just need to adjust to my new schedule.

Tomorrow it will be around 41 degrees celsius here for the first time in 2011. Hopefully I don't lock myself out of the house again like the last time it was over 40. Today's forecast is 30-something and there's no rain scheduled for a couple of days. Awesome! Over in Auckland it's been cyclone city for the past few days - not something we get in Melbourne and I'm quietly gloating.

I'm in the process of signing up with a new Tri Coaching organisation. There are several coaches associated with my club and after the last coaching FAIL I'm determined to go with someone a lot more experienced, who isn't wet behind the ears in terms of life experience, who has awesome resources and who does coaching for a full time crust. If I'm going to have to focus like hell to get my goals over the line, I need people on team NZIronmaiden who are just as focused and determined as me. It's an investment in my future that needs to be made.

Stay tuned - I'm off to work now, but I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. Gloat fail - we got Cyclone Yasi'd a few days later with incredible flooding.
